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Cannabinol (CBN): The New Cannabinoid on the Block

Even though it enjoys the distinction of being the first cannabinoid ever discovered more than a hundred years ago in the late 19th century, cannabinol (CBN) doesn’t get the same shine at the moment as CBD or THC. But it’s gaining its due popularity thanks to exciting new research investigating its particular potential health benefits, […]

CBD May Help Ease Anxiety During Back-to-School Stress

Transitioning out of the relaxed dog days of summer into back-to-school mode in August/September (depending on your school district) is a hectic time for everyone involved – the parents, teachers, and kids. But you don’t have to face the music on your own. Help is on the way. If you’re a teacher or parent, now’s […]

The Wide World of the Lesser-Known Cannabinoids

Even if you’re not a regular cannabis user, you’ve probably heard of the two most widely-consumed and extensively researched cannabinoids: tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). However, in fact, there are dozens more cannabinoids – the term used in the scientific literature to refer to the set of unique molecular compounds that only occur in the […]

Top Travel Tips for Dog Owners

We love our dogs, but let’s be honest: traveling with them can sometimes become an ordeal. With skyrocketing gas prices and unprecedented flight cancellations, travel is already stressful enough without having to console your out-of-sorts pet. Here we have top travel tips for dog owners. Of course, some dogs are better travelers than others. However, […]

What Are the Potential Benefits of CBD For Veterans?

CBD for Veterans may offer potential relief. Veterans returning from active duty to a civilian role often face a new kind of battle: adjusting back to normal life. The emotional and physical scars from their time in the service frequently follow them home. A large proportion of military members report difficulty reintegrating into society and […]

Terpenes 101: Demystifying the Bioactive Compound

Many plants contain aromatic compounds called terpenes, but cannabis contains significant concentrations of them. Terpenes, in addition to providing the pleasant and varied scents found among different cannabis strains, add to the plant’s medicinal qualities. Here we’ll explore what terpenes are, their function in nature, the terpenes commonly found in cannabis, and their proven potential […]

A Brief History of American CBD Prohibition

The cannabis compound cannabidiol – often abbreviated as merely “CBD” — has an arguably unrivaled legal history in terms of its complexity. Since 2018, CBD is now fully legal across the United States – provided, critically, that it meets certain technical criteria. But it wasn’t always that way. Let’s take a brief journey through time […]

The Storied and Remarkable History of CBD

Like The Little Engine That Could, the upstart cannabis compound cannabidiol (or CBD for short) has burst into the public consciousness with greater force than most of its critics might have anticipated. Its emergence into the mainstream is especially surprising against the backdrop of the multi-decade “War on Drugs” with cannabis squarely in the crosshairs. […]

How to Read and Interpret Certification of Analysis Like a CBD Pro

CBD occupies a unique economic space; it’s a relatively new industry (hemp was only legalized for nationwide commercial production in 2018) without a robust regulatory infrastructure behind it. Given the regulatory limbo, analysts have dubbed the budding CBD industry a “Wild West” in the sense that there is no single established authority governing its production, […]

Can Pet Owners Use CBD For Dogs?

We get a lot of questions from pet caretakers along the lines of: can man’s best friend benefit from CBD? The answer is yes! Here we’ll discuss how cannabidiol (CBD) can provide many of the same health benefits to dogs that the compound provides to humans, how dogs’ bodies respond to CBD supplementation, and which […]